Look out Florida! The LoneWolf and his pack are movin’ in for a couple weeks this winter.
That’s right. We’ll be spending a couple of days touring around the Magic Kingdom and then some sunny days on the coast at Cocoa Beach. Hot cocoa never sounded so good!
We’re currently experiencing some heavy-duty winter weather. In the past 3 days we’ve accumulated somewhere in the neighbourhood of 45 cm of snow (1.5 feet) and could get almost as much again in the next 2 days. So, sunny Florida is looking really good right now.
Well, winter has decided once and for all that it is putting in an appearance. We have about 10cm of the lovely white stuff (it really is beautiful to look at) laying about to convince us. So what are we to do with ourselves over the next few months?
As the blaze of colour fades and drops from the trees, the wind has a touch more bitterness and the clouds seem to hold a little more menace. Nature is slowly acclimatizing us to the winter that is approaching but still teasing us with the odd day or two of summer-like warmth but the shorter days and cooler nights let us know that it isn’t real.
The clubs are put away for the winter. A good five or six months for Muskoka golfers — save those lucky enough to have getaways planned to the sunny south. It is a time to ponder the season past.
My greatest lament this past season was that I didn’t get out on the course enough. Between the time requirements of a growing family and the financial pressures golf became somewhat expendable. While I could not play the game I love as much as I would like, it still calls to me.
I am looking forward to a better season next year but the snow is beginning to fall and I know that I must be patient as the earth continues its trip around the sun. In the mean time I will write in this blog and seek for ways to improve for the next year.
I plan to re-read some of my instructional books. First on the list is Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible by Dave Pelz. This book has been one of my favourite instructional books since I first discovered it. I will follow that with Dave Pelz’s Short Game Bible which is a close second.
Physically, I will work on putting drills and get myself into a better condition (which will benefit every area of my life). I will also look into what equipment I would hope to upgrade.
But mostly, I will wait and dream — looking forward to the opportunity to step up to the first tee once more.