Look out Florida! The LoneWolf and his pack are movin’ in for a couple weeks this winter.
That’s right. We’ll be spending a couple of days touring around the Magic Kingdom and then some sunny days on the coast at Cocoa Beach. Hot cocoa never sounded so good!
We’re currently experiencing some heavy-duty winter weather. In the past 3 days we’ve accumulated somewhere in the neighbourhood of 45 cm of snow (1.5 feet) and could get almost as much again in the next 2 days. So, sunny Florida is looking really good right now.
Disney World
The first thing that we will be doing is checking in to Fort Wilderness Campgrounds for a while. We’ll spend a couple days touring the Magic Kingdom, Sea World and who knows what else — we don’t yet! There is lots of stuff to do at the campground itself, so we’ll spend a day just kicking back and relaxin’.
My dad has an RV down in Florida that he is lending us for the time we’ll be down there, so we’ll be living in style. The nicest thing about staying at the campground is that it is a Disney Resort. All transportation between the resort and the parks is free so we don’t have to mess with driving, parking, etc. Just hop on a shuttle (or a ferry from the campgrounds) and you’re there!
Since I’ll be in the Orlando area, I’m hoping to connect with my friend, The Orlando Golf Blogger. I’d like to have my first Golf Blogger Showdown and it will be great to meet Dave in person.
There are some wonderful Disney golf courses. I played the Magnolia once about 15 years ago and it was a blast to be hitting sand shots out of Micky Mouse ears. I know that there are tons of other wonderful courses in the area. There are lots of course reviews at the Orlando Golf Blog.
Cocoa Beach
After seeing the sites in the Orlando area, we’ll head east to Cocoa Beach. Here we’ve booked ourselves into The Great Outdoors RV – Nature and Golf Resort. It is actually just outside Cocoa Beach in Titusville. It looks pretty
spectacular (it even has it’s own par 71 golf course) and is nice and close to some sweet looking beaches and the Kennedy Space Center. We’ll have to make sure that we take the cubs to see the orange groves and maybe check out some alligators. Who knows, we may hit the Everglades if we feel up to it.
There are lots of golf courses in the Cocoa Beach area, but this is a family vacation so I doubt that I’ll get in more than 1 or 2 rounds (maybe if I get up really early I can sneak in 18 before they get up 8=).
This is going to be our first long road trip with the cubs. It will be interesting to see how they handle 10 to 12 hours on the road as we head down and back. We’ll be meeting my dad in Orlando to get the RV. We’ve got the DS games, a portable DVD player and lots of CD’s so we should be able to keep them occupied. We’ll also be swinging by Virginia on the way home to drop in on my sister and then visit the Luray Caverns.
According to Google Maps, we’ve got about 2,300 to 2,500 km each way (about 24 hours of driving). With younger kids, we’re planning on 3 days each way. It is certainly going to be an adventure!
Share Your Story
I’m sure that many of you have been to Florida. Please share a story of your adventures in the sun — golf related or not. And if you have any suggestions on things we should try to get the kids to see, let me know.
Think warm and dream green!
[…] though we’re planning a trip to Florida this winter, we still love the Muskoka winter and all the fun we can have outdoors. It’s a […]
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