Well, winter has decided once and for all that it is putting in an appearance. We have about 10cm of the lovely white stuff (it really is beautiful to look at) laying about to convince us. So what are we to do with ourselves over the next few months?
I posted last week about my intentions to read and to practice what I can (i.e. putting and possibly chipping). I also want to get into better physical shape. I stumbled upon a couple of articles that I thought were interesting in that regard so I’ll share them with you.
Steven Gribin has a wonderful article entitled 8 Ways to Become a Better Golfer. I found #1 and #8 to be the most critical ones for me although they are all important.
Yoga, Tai Chi and Beyond
Dave at The Orlando Golf Blogger posted an article on the benefits of Yoga for golfers. He is just beginning his quest to see how this will work and I’m looking forward to reading more of his adventures.
It did get me to thinking about other techniques that might help with golf. I remember talking with our former Doctor about Tai Chi. He was actually an instructor of a form of Tai Chi that is more martial in nature. He explained that flexibility, balance, power and concentration were all important in the art — sounds a lot like golf! I hope to learn more about this in the coming months and see how it can help my golf game.
Mental Game
Golf is a mental game as much as it is physical. That is one of the reasons that it appeals to the LoneWolf. The Mental Game Blog is run by Wade Pearse and has enough information to keep me busy for the rest of the winter. I’m looking forward to digging through all the information that he has posted.
I hope that you enjoy your winter. Living in Muskoka affords me opportunities to enjoy all that winter has to offer both indoors and out. I will be enjoying the snowshoeing, skating, snowmobiling and sliding (there seems to be an ‘S’ theme here) in the snow. But my heart will still belong to golf — and rightly so.
All Frequency Jammer
Deep White Thoughts – Howls
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