Darren Rowse at Problogger.com has issued a 7 link challenge. Given the lack of attention that Howls has been getting from me lately, I figured that this would be the prime opportunity to give it a shot. It almost sounds like a golfer’s game anyway.
The idea is to link 7 posts, 1 from each category, creating what Darren refers to as a sneeze page. But this being a golf blog, 9 is a more appropriate number.
1 My First Post: This is the easiest one to find. My first post on Howls (which is my first blog) is entitled I … am … Blog!. This was the beginning of the LoneWolf story. In fact, it was the beginning of LoneWolf. Up to this point I’d been using the nickname WildWillyIII. But that’s another story (maybe another post someday).
2 Post I Enjoyed Writing The Most: In many ways, I … am … Blog! is in the running for this honour. It was my first post and it has a special place in my heart. But there are a couple of others that just edge it out. (Plus, what good is a list of links if they all go to the same post?) If you’ve read much of my stuff, you’ll realize that I love humour. So it won’t surprise you much that the winner of this category is one of the humourous posts. Just Keep Swinging captures a wonderful story that is partly true and partly made up. To paraphrase a book description from one of my favourites “It was story of a round that never was, but should have been.”
3 & 4 Post With Great Discussion: This one is actually a tie. I could sit down and figure out which one is better, but I’d rather have them both, plus this gives me an extra link in the post (in case you are wondering, I’m actually going for 9 — it’s a golf thing). The first of these is Doug Gilmour Night. This is in honour of my favourite hockey player and the passion and commitment he showed in playing the game. Some good comments there (not enough, but good ones). The other is part of my fitness series which also generated a few good comments. Two Feet at a Time — Swimsuit Edition.
5 Post On Someone Else’s Blog Which I Wish I’d Written: The Armchair Golf Blog is one of my favourite golf blogs and his Exclusive Interview with Tiger’s Left Knee may just be one of his finest. Even if you don’t follow golf, I’m sure you’ll find it quite amusing. If not, you may need to check yourself for a pulse.
6 Most Helpful Post: I think that the posts I’ve put up lately have been more helpful than earlier posts. The earlier stuff is more a chronicle of what I’ve been doing, thinking, whatever. Of the lot, I’d have to say The Waiting Game — Dealing with Slow Play is the most helpful.
7 Post With A Title I’m Proud Of: Once again, I … am … Blog! is in the running for this. But in the spirit of having a different link, I’ll refer back to That’s Amazing! Not the greatest from an SEO perspective, but I still like it.
8 Post That I Wish More People Read: Frankly, I’d like to see all of the posts get more readers, but if I have to pick just one we’ll go back to an early classic: Castaway — the Golf Edition. I’d really like to get Tom Hanks to comment on that one!
9 Golf Blogger that I Admire: Dave Lair, the Orlando Golf Blogger, was one of the first bloggers that I ever had any contact with when I started my blog. He encouraged me and inspired me as he continued working on his craft. So I’ll finish out my front 9 with a favourite from him — 25 Irrefutable Laws of Golf.
So, that’s my 7 9. Have you written a 7 Link Challenge post? Share it in the comments so others can find it.
Image by code1name at stock.xchng
Bill: I’m honored to make your 7-link challenge. Thanks! Also, Dave of Orlando Golf Blogger has always been a great guy in our back and forth, although I’ve yet to meet him. All the best with the blog.
Comment by The Armchair Golfer — July 16, 2010 @ 9:02 pm
You’re most welcome Armchair! Do you meet many golf bloggers out there? There aren’t any others in my area that I know of and I don’t travel very often (although I plan to). I missed out on meeting Dave when I was in Florida in March — things just didn’t line up.
Comment by LoneWolf — July 17, 2010 @ 9:06 am
I think my first post of a personal blog is a poem that I’ve made a long time ago. The second on the list is what I usually do make a post on what I enjoy writing most. I don’t know if I could also include more things about special links but I am glad that I’ve read this interesting post.
Comment by Mildred — May 21, 2011 @ 9:54 am
Typically when I see a roundup post, it simply is in an ordered list. I like that you took the time to label why you chose each post, it made it easier to skim through them.
I’m glad I found your blog, golf is a hobby of mine (though I wish I could play more…) and you write some good stuff. Kudos!
Comment by Park Place — August 16, 2011 @ 10:51 am
Thanks Park Place. I’ve been focusing on other projects lately and haven’t been able to update Howls much. Maybe when the cubs are back in school this “work” at home Dad can get back to writing 8=)
Comment by LoneWolf — August 16, 2011 @ 12:09 pm
Is this method really helpful for nowadays search engine optimization tactic?
Comment by Cody Hemby — October 28, 2011 @ 2:59 am
Hi Cody
It will definitely not hurt you unless you’re linking to spammy sites. And you’ll often get trackbacks from the sites you link to as well.
However, the big benefit from this type of post is that it gives you a way to share quality information with your readers and introduce them to other quality bloggers in the niche.
Comment by LoneWolf — October 28, 2011 @ 10:04 am
Hey Lonewolf – I like the idea of a 7 (or 9) link challenge and I’m sure those that you link to also appreciate it. Hope you are able to get out and play a bit more. If you are looking for the best laser rangefinder for golf on the market today visit bushnellrangefindersales.com now. regards Ray
Comment by Ray Hocking — March 14, 2012 @ 1:14 pm