Grip It and Rip It!
He’s baaaaack! That’s right. John Daly — The Lion— is back.
John is fresh off of his suspension and getting back into the world of professional golf. According to a message to his fans he has lost almost 5o lbs and has done some tuning of his putting and the big swing with Rick Smith in Florida. He is positive and enjoying the support of his fans (of which LoneWolf is one 8=)
I know that JD has had a rather wild lifestyle in the past. I don’t know if he has changed. As I’ve written before, I hope that he has, but even if he hasn’t I’m looking forward to him doing well on the tours. We need people like John who love golf and love people.
What is great is that JD has embraced social media to keep in touch with his fans. He is now on Twitter and Facebook. The nice thing is that he is using this to connect with the people who support him — his fans.
I’ve connected with him on Twitter and so far he seems to be using it like a seasoned Twitter pro! He’s not spamming and he connects with people. He even followed me back (probably an auto-follow but it shows he’s interested in his fans) Keep up the great work John!
I’ve also seen him leaving comments on golf blogs. John really understands the power of connecting with people with the new tools available to us all.
While researching JD’s Facebook page I’ve discovered that Birthday Wishes are in order. Happy Birthday John. Who wants to help me give him the bumps?
Welcome back John Daly. we all hope that you just became the “Lion” in real sense.
Comment by Myrtle Beach Golf — September 18, 2009 @ 4:32 am
Thanks to the folks a Myrtle Beach Golf for dropping by. I can’t wait for my next vacation down there — it’s been too long.
Comment by LoneWolf — September 18, 2009 @ 11:48 am