Rolling open my eyes, I glance at the clock … 6:53. “Far too early,” rumbles from somewhere deep in my brain. “You’ve got 7 more minutes.”
I’m tempted to listen to that growly voice, but I know that if I do 7 minutes will stretch to 15, 30 maybe 60.
So I shut off the alarm before it has even started and quietly stumble to the bathroom.
My head is pounding, the air is chilly and I can see from the tiny snowflakes in the faint twilight through the bathroom window that it is cold outside. The big, fluffy flakes of yesterday are gone. I’ll need an extra layer today.
The bathroom takes longer than normal — I’m moving slowly today. I really don’t want to be up this early, especially on the last Saturday of the holiday break. But I’m up. I’m staying up.
Another 15 minutes until its light enough to venture into the woods, so I check the videos from yesterday that were uploading over night. Everything went okay. Enough stalling. Let’s get out there.
By 8:55 I’m outdoors, and my suspicions about the temperature are confirmed. It is cold (-21 C) with a mild wind from the north-west. I suspect the windchill is below -30. The scarf is up over the nose today! Still, the wind finds ways to break through and say hello to my neck and back.
I brought the still camera this time. Better images and less time with the gloves off. I set off at a brisk pace.
Rather than following the ridge trail, I go over the ridge and out to the beaver pond — or what’s left of it at least. The beavers have moved further downstream (downcreek actually) but the remnants of the pond are still visible and will take years to grow over. A few snaps with the camera and I’m heading back.
I make a decision — rather than follow the main trail back up and over the ridge, I’m blazing a new trail up the high point. This is fresh snow and a twisty path. In fact, I wouldn’t make this trek without the snow to smooth over the roughness. With the switchbacks and detours it takes me over 200 m to cover the 100 m distance. It is much steeper this way, but the effort is pleasing.
Finally, I reach the top and after a brief pause, start heading back to the house.
Forty-five minutes after leaving, I’m back inside. I’ve covered 2km or more and I was 10 minutes faster than yesterday. Perhaps it was not stopping to video. Perhaps it was the cold. Most likely both.
Regardless, Day 2 is complete. My head is still hurting but I feel good. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. The snowshoeing will be moved to the afternoon, after church, and I plan to go up by the toboggan run. It will be fun.
See you tomorrow.
The nature shots are available full size on stock.xchg — click on the picture to go there.
Great job. It was colder for me today with a little snow, but that was a spring day compared to your walk!
Great videos from yesterday. Beautiful property.
Comment by Gina Fit by 41 Maybe 42 — January 2, 2010 @ 11:33 pm
Thanks for dropping by again Gina. It’s a little warmer today (not a lot) but I’ll be walking this afternoon due to church schedule so it shouldn’t be quite so cold. I’m planning to go up and down the toboggan hill. Should be exciting!
Comment by LoneWolf — January 3, 2010 @ 7:59 am
Wow – it’s amazing that you went out in the cold, but what beautiful pictures.
Comment by girlxoxo — January 3, 2010 @ 9:47 pm
Thanks! I hope to capture some more this week when the sun is out.
Comment by LoneWolf — January 4, 2010 @ 4:10 pm
Fantastic job! I must say, I WILL NOT complain ever again about my having to wake up in the morning to workout in the cold. Clearly, you have me beat. It is obviously, much colder there. Can’t wait to read about tomorrow.
Comment by Ati — January 4, 2010 @ 1:07 am
I’m sure I’ll be complaining about the heat come August 8=) And I doubt I’ll be snowshoeing at that point — hopefully 18 holes of golf every day … dare to dream!
I know that there are people who have it colder than I do — most of western Canada gets down to -40 (and that is the same whether it’s C or F). I suppose you get used to it if you grow up with it.
Hoping to finish the Day 3 post and Day 4 tonight.
Comment by LoneWolf — January 4, 2010 @ 4:13 pm