Dave Lair is the Orlando Golf Blogger
My good blogging buddy (and hopefully soon, golf buddy) Dave over at the Orlando Golf Blog is working on a new fitness program to get himself in shape for better golf. He’s further along the process than I am and actually gets to play golf right now (although he was shivering during his last round 8=)
He’s managed to lose a couple of pounds this week (good show Dave) as have I. The big difference is that I’m still almost 90 lbs heavier than he is. I think it’s because I’m 9′ 2″ 8=)
So, if you want to get a look at someone who doesn’t have to resort to snowshoeing to get in shape, make sure you swing by Dave’s blog and see how he’s doing. And cheer him along!
And I’ll soon be posting about the Grunt and Growl routine my doctor wants me to start. It’s as tough as it sounds…
Your friend Dave has a pretty nice golf blog going. You can tell that he knows a lot of about the game of golf.
Comment by Billy — November 22, 2010 @ 2:54 pm
Yes, Dave is passionate about the game and it shows. He also has a lot nicer weather to play in (it makes me jealous 8=). I wonder if you’ve seen him out on your fairways? If not, you should invite him over.
Comment by LoneWolf — November 22, 2010 @ 4:40 pm
I was a pretty avid golfer until my heart started acting up recently. I have to go in for a CT Angiograph this week and let’s just say, I’d rather be on the greens.
Comment by Stephen C. — August 30, 2011 @ 4:30 pm
Good luck Stephen. Hope that things are good and you’ll be back out on the greens again soon.
Comment by LoneWolf — August 30, 2011 @ 5:41 pm
I am following Dave…and it is working for me…thanks…
Comment by Daisy Johnson — January 15, 2019 @ 10:30 pm