When attempting to get ourselves into better physical condition, we will often start slowly and build up from there — baby steps as it were.
This is important for several reasons. The first is that we can actually do more damage than good if we rush our body, especially when it is as old as mine 8=) However, the other reason (which I believe is more important) is that we need to have achievable goals to keep our minds in the game. If we try to hard we will likely fail and that brings discouragement.
In the first article of this series I introduced the theme of my fitness “plan” — Two Feet at a Time. In future articles I will be dealing with some of the special activities that I enjoy to increase my fitness level, but this article is focused on the basics.
There are several basic things that we can do to get our fitness level increasing and I have been doing them for some years now. Although I have had little success with weight loss (that’s another article), my general fitness level is much better.
This one thing can make such a difference in our lives. Rather than find the closest parking spot to the entrance of the mall, I park farther out in the parking lot. I don’t go right to the farthest corner mind you, but I make sure that I have the opportunity to do some extra walking when I can. I’ve been doing it for long enough now that my kids don’t even think twice about it.
I also try to walk around our property as much as possible. We have 100 acres and that provides ample opportunity to use my feet. I still use the ATV or even the truck when I have to move stuff, but walking is my preferred method of travel in the yard. It helps me to appreciate the beauty of the nature around me too.
These feet were made for walking. And that’s just what they’ll do!
Elevators are great conveniences, but by using them we miss out on another opportunity to increase our fitness level. Climbing stairs is great exercise and will elevate our heart rate as well as building muscles. If you’ve golfed in the Muskokas then you know how much I require good stamina in climbing up and down hills. For those of you in Florida this isn’t as much of an issue (I’ve seen what passes for a mountain in Florida 8=) but it is still a very good way to keep in shape.
Move your feet — next time you have a choice between the elevator and the stairs, chose the stairs. At least do a couple of floors — you can catch the elevator part way.
Our bodies need sufficient rest in order to function properly. As a person who suffers from sleep apnea, I know the frustration of not getting enough sleep. Before my apnea was diagnosed, I could sleep for 8 full hours without getting rested and it affected everything in my life. I couldn’t work at my full capacity. I was not able to concentrate well for a round of golf. It was a constant fight to stay awake. Now that I have proper sleep (even though I don’t always get enough — I do have young children) I have much greater energy and I am able to put my full attention to things, both mental and physical.
Rest your feet (and the rest of your body) as much as they require.
This is one of the two main areas that I need to work on most. While I have greatly improved the quality of my diet in the past decade, I still struggle with eating too much. I’ve developed habits of eating that I’m working to break. Together as a family we are making changes that will help us all to live healthier.
Step up to the table, but step away when you’re full.
Drinking is the second area that I need to work on. I don’t drink enough water — not even close. Yet water is the single best thing that we can drink to replenish our body. There are a lot of other things that are good — fruit juices, teas, etc. which have vitamins and minerals that help our bodies to rebuild. But water is the single most important thing we can drink.
The flip side is that I drink too much cola. I’m addicted to the stuff and the caffeine, sugar and artificial colours and flavours are not doing me any favours. I suspect that this is the largest single cause of my weight frustrations.
Kick the cola habit and kick the water up a notch.
Through it all, we need to enjoy life. Work to live, don’t live to work. Do things that make you happy and find things that bring joy to your heart. For me, the ultimate joy comes from my faith, my family, my friends and my sense of humour. I also strive to work at something that I enjoy. That is one of the reasons that I have started this blog and the others that I do. I love writing and I love working with software — blogging is a natural marriage of the two.
Dance. Play. Love. Share.
In the next article of this series I’ll explain one of my favourite exercise activities.