Dave Lair is the Orlando Golf Blogger
I’ve been working behind the scenes the past few weeks and haven’t had the time I would like to put up new posts on Howls. Thankfully, my friend Dave Lair, the Orlando Golf Blogger has put up some amazing golf humour this week, so I’m just going to ride on his coattails 8=)
First on the list is You Might Be a Golfer… See which items on this list you match up with. Make sure you add your ideas in the comments! The list keeps on growing.
Second is a selection of posts that Dave’s wife might not approve of 8=) Did You Know This About Leather Dresses? explains why men get so excited when the ladies wear leather (nothing to do with English Leather). Then there is a Couple of Woman Golf Jokes that is sure to get a chuckle.
Thanks to Dave for giving me a lazy way out this week! Stay tuned for more in the Two Feet at a Time series. We’ll be looking at some more winter activities even though the snow has finally melted for a few months.
No Problem sir, thanks for posting these up! 🙂 One of the joys of blogging is being able to piggy back on others bloggers good content 🙂
Comment by OrlandoGolfblogger — May 22, 2009 @ 9:04 am