The golf nuts over at have teamed up with BogeyPro Golf to make us a new contest to enter.
They are looking for new tshirt designs that fit in with there philosophy, so head on over there and show us all your creativity! Entering the contest is easy — just submit a comment with the description of the design you’d like to see. Enter as often as you like, but just remember, I’m gonna win!
NOTE: The contest is over. And I didn’t win — where’s the justice in that 8=)
I am going to have a go with the help of my very artisitc kids. Are you accepting entries from the UK?!
Comment by printed clothing — May 27, 2010 @ 5:42 am
Hi. The actual contest is over at and while they usually have their contests open to anyone world wide, this particular one is now over.
Comment by LoneWolf — May 27, 2010 @ 2:44 pm
When will you guys be doing another golf contest like this? I have some pretty cool designs I would like to share.
Comment by Orlando Golf Course — October 26, 2010 @ 9:24 am
The contest was actually put on by the guys at My Golf Spy. You’d have to check it out there.
If you have some designs for t-shirts then you might consider putting up your own t-shirt store using Zazzle. I’ve dabbled with it a bit but I haven’t been able to promote it as well as I should yet since I’ve been busy with other projects. You can check out my storefront at* to get an idea of how it works (and maybe buy one of my shirts or something 8=). You can set up a design that will be available on more than just shirts and set your own markup (they call it a royalty).
If you decide to set up a shop let me know — I’d love to check it out.
Comment by LoneWolf — October 26, 2010 @ 10:49 am
This sounded like a great idea for a contest. Maybe I could do this for my school.
Comment by Sarah Long — November 29, 2010 @ 10:12 am
It would be a good type of contest for any organization. It is especially easy to do now that there are sites like Zazzle that allow you create your own tshirts and more from your own design.
Comment by LoneWolf — November 29, 2010 @ 10:54 am
Creating your own design T-shirt requires creativity. The most creative will be the winner. But, when will this contest be held again?
Comment by Emil — May 20, 2011 @ 12:35 am
Any reply to if the contest will be held again? Nothing promotes golf more than grass roots types of events like this. I would love an opportunity enter!
Comment by Orlando Golf Junkie — June 24, 2011 @ 8:46 am
My Golf Spy are the ones who ran the contest so they would be the ones to contact. They run contests there on a regular basis.
Comment by LoneWolf — June 24, 2011 @ 10:15 am
Is this contest held every year?
Comment by Andrew Chapman — March 21, 2012 @ 5:15 am
Hi Andrew. I don’t think it is. You could pop over to the MyGolfSpy site and check out what contests they are running now. They usually have something on the go fairly regularly.
Comment by LoneWolf — March 22, 2012 @ 8:54 am