The Present
In Buddies — Part II we met the guys from Hamilton. About 10 years ago I moved from Hamilton to Huntsville (it’s about a 3.5 hour drive to get here from there). The opportunities to golf together have slowed to a trickle. But these guys are still my guys. We keep in touch — e-mail,
facebook and the odd visit. When I was on contract in Georgetown (which is about an hour from Hamilton) I would meet them halfway for golf and dinner (or dinner and a Leaf’s game in the winter months) a couple times a month. They came up to Huntsville 2 or 3 times a year for a while. We also had the Fish n’ Chips men’s retreat every spring until it was canceled a few years back.
But they are all grown up now. Work and family pressures have grown and it is harder for them to find time for the trip. The men’s retreat is no longer running. I miss the time to spend with them, golfing or otherwise.
As for golf buddies here in Huntsville, I’ve not been so lucky yet. I’ve golfed with some great people, but just haven’t made any connections yet. Not that I’ve been able to get out as much as I would like lately. But I’m hopeful that I’ll find more buddies in the future. We’ll have to wait and see.
The Future
One thing I’m really looking forward to is golfing with my daughter and my son. They are currently 10 and 5, so there will be a few more years before that starts to happen. We do hit balls together out in the yard and my daughter is making decent contact. She’s showing interest in learning the proper stance and grip as well.
I’m hoping that next summer she will be showing enough interest to get her a set of clubs to practice with. Currently, she has a Jr. 7 iron. It is getting too small for her but is just right for her little brother at this point. He’s shown some interest, but I think he just likes hitting things at this point 8=) We’ll be able to spend some time at the driving range, and possibly get her out for her first 9 holes!
Then we’ll have a dilemma for her on summer Saturday morning — yard sales with mom or golf with dad? What a problem to have!
In the mean time (apologies to Neil Diamond), I’ll be what I am — a solitary man golfer.
Check out the previous posts in this series:
Don’t forget to share stories of your own golfing buddies in the comments!