Let’s face it, if you’ve been meandering around golf courses for a while then you’ve probably witnessed some pretty amazing things happening with a golf ball. Sometimes it is something done on purpose but most of the time it is a pure fluke.
Golf has an expression for the flukes that happen — good or bad — and that is “rub of the green”. Even the most perfectly played shot can bounce off in the wrong direction or land in an undesirable place (like a divot). The flip side is that a poorly struck shot can end up great.
One of the most amazing flukes that I have seen happened in Hamilton when I was playing with one of my buddies. We’d been paired up with another twosome who were roughly in our league (mid handicappers that is). The green of the second hole is tucked up close to the tee of the third although the tee is elevated about 8 to 10 feet. One of our playing partners airmailed the green and although we yelled “Fore!” the ball struck a member of the foursome waiting on the tee.
Luckily it was only a chip shot and no damage was done. However, the amazing part was watching the ball bounce off the back of this poor fellows skull, trickle down the side of the tee on to the green and in to the hole. Plus 1 for the rub!
We offered the fellow who was hit a 1 stroke un-penalty for helping. I don’t know if the other three guys were up for that but he was excited to have played a part in this event.
I know that you have all witnessed something amazing on the course, or even done it (or had it done to) yourself. It’s time to share the gold. Post your most amazing story (not something from watching on TV) and let us all enjoy the moment. So far the rub is up by 1. Let’s see where it ends up.
LOL, funny story. Glad the guy who got hit didn’t take it too seriously, or didn’t get seriously hurt. Now he has a great story to tell his grandkids and so do all of you who were there.
Comment by Rachael — November 26, 2008 @ 10:50 am
Now all I need are the grandkids 8=) For now my readers will have to do.
Comment by LoneWolf — November 26, 2008 @ 11:40 am
When you have hundreds of yards between you and the hole anything can happen. I have heard of stories where golfers have hit birds and trees and the ball has managed to make its way into the hole.
I am glad that everyone was ok in your party. Great Read!
Comment by Jim — June 10, 2010 @ 10:58 am
@Jim, thanks for dropping by. There are some wild things that you can see if you play this game long enough. I’m still waiting for the lucky bounce that goes my way though. Best I’ve ever gotten is a terrible hook hitting a tree and bouncing out to the fairway.
Comment by LoneWolf — June 10, 2010 @ 11:48 am